On May 2020, I decided to start my YouTube channel called thatsmoni to share my experience studying abroad in France. As a result, I discovered my passion for content creation, marketing, and filmmaking. Therefore, I decided to create a second YouTube channel where I share with you my knowledge about YouTube, growing your channel, finding keywords for your videos, and more!

If you want to start earning money on Youtube, start an online business, but don’t know where to start this category is made for you. All of this is for beginners! Moreover, you need no previous knowledge on social media, marketing, editing.

I hope sharing my journey and knowledge with you will motivate you and inspire you to start your own online business!

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Videos you might find helpful

1. Get Canva Pro for Free as a Student (for 1 year)

Did you know that as a student you can get Canva Pro for free for a year? In this video, I show you step-by-step how to get access to it!

2. Connect Your External Hard Drive to DaVinci Resolve

If you use DaVinci Resolve to edit your videos, connecting your external hard drive could be a life-saver. It can be really useful if you edit your videos on two different computers or if you do not have enough space to save your videos on your computer.

3. Remove the Background of Your Images on Affinity Designer

Do you use Affinity Designer to edit your thumbnails or create graphics? In this video, I show you how you can remove the background of your images.