
Lin-Icônes-Loisirs-Image-Blog-2 Welcome to my portafolio! On this page, you will find two different French podcasts. They are both without a doubt worthwhile listening to. Not only because they promote Alsatian culture, but also to learn something new. In addition to this, they are both from a local Alsatian radio in Strasbourg called Radio Judaïca Strasbourg. Besides they promote local artists, inspiring initiatives and always bring interesting guests. It should be noted that I am currently doing volunteer work at this radio so my opinion might be biais.


At first, you will find “Opération Spéciale Pourim” or Purim Special Operation. In short, Purim is a jewish holiday which commemorates the liberation of Jewish people from an Achaemenid Persian Empire official who threatened to kill them. Then, you will find the 138 emission of “Il est temps de chasser l’ennui“. In addition to that, both emissions were both recorded on 2020.

Purim Special Operation

« Opération Spéciale Pourim » or Purim Special Operation is a special emission where I receive Rabbin Mendel Samama as a guest. During the emission, he explains to us “What Is Purim?”. Subsequently, you will hear about an initiative called “Purim Special Operation“. The concept was, people could buy a wish card and as a result a kid of Zichron Menachem received a mishloach manot.

Note: Zichron Menachem is an Association that provides support to people under 25 years old living with cancer.

Chronicle “Il est temps de chasser l’ennui”


Il est temps de chasser l’ennui” is an emission held by Lionel Courtot. He is a director, artistic director and teacher at the University of Strasbourg. Their objective: to talk about the culture of Strasbourg and Alsace, performing arts and to promote local artists.

I participated on this emission on February 25th, 2020 where I presented a chronicle (minute: 11:56). The topic: cultural events to attend to during that week in Strasbourg.


At the second half of the emission, you will hear Yves Wansi, President of Vue d’ Ensemble Association. He talked about the second edition of Rendez-vous du livre & du film accessible à tous : « Entendez-Voir. Rdv livre & film accessibles». ⁣ ⁣

More about thatsmoni here