Lifestyle Europe

One of the Perks of Living in Strasbourg

One of the perks of living in Strasbourg is doing your groceries in Germany.

Strasbourg is a city located in the north-east of France. It is also the neighboring city of Kehl, Germany located at around 20-30 minutes by tram. When I had just arrived in Strasbourg, I used to hear that quite a lot of my friends did their groceries in Germany. I could not believe it!

The first time

I remember the first time I went grocery shopping at Kehl like it was yesterday. I decided to go with a friend of mine who had already been there. She showed me around and recommended me different stores where I could do my groceries.

At first, I thought there would be someone checking our passports. However, to my surprise, we did not need them. In fact, in a matter of minutes, we founded ourselves in another city. We just needed to cross a bridge that connects both cities, Kehl and Strasbourg.

Once we were in Germany, I was amazed! The concept of being in two countries on the same day was mind-blowing to me. It was crazy how I went from hearing French to listening to German in a blink of an eye. After a few minutes, I founded myself unable to read the signs or even the names of the products in German. I had zero knowledge of German, so it was a funny experience trying to found out what I was buying XD.

Useful German vocabulary

Here are a few German words that I find useful while doing my groceries in Germany:

  • Hallo: hello
  • Guten Morgen: Good Morning
  • Ich möchte mit Karte bezahlen, bitte: I will like to pay by card
  • Entschuldigung, können Sie mir helfen bitte?: Excuse me, could you help me please?
  • Schönen Tag: Have a nice day
  • Ausgang: exit
  • Eingang: entry
  • Willkommen: welcome
  • Nudeln: pasta
  • Erdbeeren: strawberries
  • Bananen: bananas
  • Brot: bread
  • Kuchen: cake
  • Kartoffeln: potatoes
  • Joghurt: yogurt
  • Schokolade: chocolate

Have you ever had a similar experience? Have you ever been to two countries in one day? Tell me in the comments 🙂

Come grocery shopping with me on this video!

You might also be interested in: 10 Places to Visit in Strasbourg

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